(949) 445-3757

Annabelle (Bella) Baldasari, Certified Health Coach


Welcome! I’m Annabelle (Bella) Baldasari, wife, mom of 2, health advocate, mompreneur, and life long learner. I am passionate about inspiring healthy living, and my mission is to help families thrive. As a Certified Health Coach, I help people achieve their health and wellness goals through education, motivation, and guidance in making positive and lasting lifestyle changes. I believe everyone can take responsibility and control of their health. Your DNA is not your destiny! Let me show you how L.E.A.N. can help you live your best life!

MY STORY: Eating real food, staying active, reducing stress, and having a positive attitude can enrich your life and lead to a deeper connection with the world around you. Food has been a passion of mine for as far back as I can remember. My mother grew up in the Philippines, and has always been known for her delicious cooking. The smells and tastes of her cooking is one of my earliest childhood memories, and her example led me to work in restaurants while I was attending college. This developed my own deeper appreciation for transforming simple ingredients into a satisfying meal, and is something I still enjoy. I also love being active. Before having kids, I traveled around the world with my husband, hiking, kayaking, and enjoying the richness of the natural world we live in. Now that I’m juggling a family and a busy career, it’s easy to lose sight and feel overwhelmed, but staying active helps clear my mind and lets me focus on the things that are really important.

Before becoming a Certified Health Coach, I was a Corporate Finance Manager. During this time my most enjoyable moments were training and teaching my colleagues. In 2014, my dad was diagnosed with prostate cancer, and later that same year, I had my first baby. I started learning more about being healthy, how to read food labels, and the importance of staying fit while nurturing a growing baby through pregnancy, birth and beyond. I had my second child in 2016, and had gained 55 lbs during that pregnancy! Losing the last 15 pounds after the baby was born was a huge struggle. Later that year, my mom had a stroke. It was a very stressful time in my life with my career, 2 kids, and my parents getting sick. I decided I needed to take control of my health and began to spend a lot of time reading books and studying health and nutrition. I made some changes and over time, broke some routines and habits that were not helping me achieve my health goals. After adapting a healthier lifestyle through nutrition, a consistent exercise routine, stress management, and support from my family and friends, I lost the weight. I got stronger, I had more energy, and I felt like a better and happier mom for my family. I felt so great, and I was looking for a major career change away from the stresses of Corporate America. In 2017, I decided to leave my corporate job, further my education in health, and become a Certified Health Coach, a career that combines my abilities and passions, so that I could help other families, especially moms, regain their health and happiness. 

In 2019 I also became a Certified Blood Microscopist. Blood is the river of life! I had a live and dry blood assessment done when I had a stressful job and was not eating the healthiest diet. I did it again in 2018 after making lifestyle changes, and what a night and day difference I saw. It is such a powerful tool to help track your health and help guide customized lifestyle changes that can help keep your health on track.

MY MISSION as a Certified Health and Wellness Coach is to inspire healthy living and to provide fun and simple tools to help moms give their families the best chance to live their best life. I partner with clients seeking self-directed, lasting changes, which promote health and wellness and, thereby, enhance well-being. I strive to display unconditional positive regard for my clients and a belief in their capacity for change, while honoring that each client is an expert on his or her life, and while facilitating an environment that is respectful and non-judgmental.

Everyone is at a different point in their health journey. Let me be a part of yours and show you how you can add years to your life and life to your years, how to teach your kids about eating healthy, or how to give your baby a healthy new beginning in life before, during, and after pregnancy. Contact me to schedule an individual consultation or to get more information on bringing a health and wellness program to your business, school, church, parent group, or other group. Also, join my mailing list, find me on Facebook and Instagram, and get some inspiration for your health journey. I am excited to share all of my own personal health tips, stories, and, recipes, and to help you achieve optimal wellness.

“I learned a better and new way of reading nutrition labels on packaged food. It’s one simple thing I can do to help my family avoid harmful ingredients.”


Certified Health Coach

Annabelle received her Health Coach Certification from the Dr. Sears Wellness Institute, founded by world-renowned physician and author, Dr. William Sears. The Institute is a leader in science-based health and wellness education that focuses on the four pillars of health; Lifestyle, Exercise, Attitude and Nutrition (L.E.A.N.). A certification by the Dr. Sears Wellness Institute is obtained only after completing the extensive course work and meeting all requirements. Once certified, a Health Coach possess the knowledge, tools and resources to make a positive difference in the health of others.

Dr. Sears Wellness Institute Certified Health Coach

Annabelle Baldasari
Certified Health Coach
Phone: 949-445-3757
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