Learn how you can get 30+ fruits and vegetables in your diet everyday

Juice Plus+ are concentrated fruits and vegetables in capsule and gummy form. Juice Plus+ products are made from the juice powder concentrates and oils from more than 40 different fruits, vegetables and grains. While Juice Plus+ isn’t a substitute for eating fruits and vegetables, our whole food-based products support a healthy diet by offering a much wider variety of naturally occurring vitamins, along with antioxidants and phytonutrients found in fruits and vegetables. Every Juice Plus+ product is made from quality ingredients grown farm fresh, providing the natural nutrients your body needs.

One Simple Change

Dr. Sears

How Juice Plus+ is Made

Clinical Research

Juice Plus+ Family Health Study

Learn how you can get Juice Plus+ for your child(ren) for free.  Child must be between 4 years old and college age.  1 child per sponsoring adult and product shipped to same address as sponsoring adult.  Fee for shipping and handling.  Child receives Juice Plus+ Veggie and Fruit blends in chewable or capsule form for up to 4 years as part of the Family Health Study.

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